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How do I apply for Small Business Association (SBA) for COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Relief?

You will need the following information:

  1. Business Tax ID or Social Security number
  2. Total Sales for the period from 2/1/2019 through 1/31/2020
  3. Total COGS (Cost of Goods Sold - which is only what you pay for products for resale) for the same period (2/1/19-1/31/20)**
  4. The date the business was established (usually date of incorporated) and current ownership is the same if it has not changed
  5. Select “Automotive Repair” activity and “Automotive – Parts. Accessories” for detailed
  6. Number of employees you had employed as of 1/31/2020
  7. You will need the full name, address, DOB and social security number of each owner of the business and the percent of ownership they have.
  8. Bank name, account number and routing number

**As long as you use a good faith effort in compiling the information, the government is most likely to forgive some errors.

    [Click Here]MEA Retail Owner Webinar - CARES Act for EIDL and PPPL

    [Click Here] to view the Hilb Group CARES Act and PPP webinar

    [Click Here] to view the Hilb Group CARES Act and PPP presentation deck

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