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About Us

Our Mission is To Educate, Inform and Empower the Industry

Over 1100 members strong, the Mobile Electronics Association represents the independent mobile electronics specialists channel. Our members ascribe to a professional code of ethics, operate from brick-and-mortar locations, and comprise everything from the largest independents and regional chains to local one-store operations. We provide top-notch education and networking opportunities designed to advance the professionalism and profitability of the industry. 

For More Information Contact Us:

85 Flagship Drive Suite F | North Andover, MA 01845

Phone: 800-949-6372 | email: info@mobile-electronics.com

Who We Are

The Mobile Electronics Association (MEA) has a mission to educate, inform and empower the industry. It is the organization of professionals who market products and services that enhance the driving experience. Membership includes retailers, manufacturers, distributors, manufacturer’s representatives and others related to the mobile electronics industry who realize professionalism and continuing education are cornerstones for successful business. The MEA serves as the safe and neutral field where all parts of the industry can gather to learn from and share with one another.

So What Does This Mean?

MEA is focused on accomplishing organizational goals that address the issues of utmost importance to the mobile electronics industry. So what are some of the issues at hand? Helping our retail members to identify, educate and sustain a qualified workforce capable of providing great customer service in our stores.

  • Guiding the mobile electronics industry to further evolve from an industry of hobbyists to one of industry professionals by creating a clear vision for others to follow in the industry. Helping mobile electronics professionals to step out of the old business model and become more visionary, and transitioning the business from an equipment-based delivery model to a service model.
  • Delivering information to the masses about the value we offer as an industry, and in the process increasing industry popularity and regaining consumer interest in our product and service categories.
  • Helping the specialty retailer to provide a superior experience for the consumer, ultimately leading to regained market share from the big box retailers.
  • Helping the industry to overcome automobile integration challenges.
  • Adapting emerging technologies to our industry.
  • Helping manufacturers, retailers and reps to grow their business together.
  • Effectively communicating with an industry comprised of a widespread and varied base of people.
  • Aiding our industry in living with the internet: integrating their businesses with the Internet; using it to their maximum advantage; and competing with Internet sales.
  • Ultimately leading our members to maximize the return on their investment (ROI).

How is the Mobile Electronics Association Addressing These Issues?

The MEA sets out to bring the best minds of the industry together. These visionaries are helping provide the right direction, serving as a beacon for the mobile electronics profession. Through a comprehensive strategic planning effort, the Mobile Electronics Association leadership, comprised of advisory leadership members representing a cross-section of the mobile electronics industry, has established goals that, when accomplished, will ensure MEA is on track in addressing these issues.

  • We are the first and best place for industry professionals to turn for industry insight and guidance.
  • We create a free flow of reciprocal communications among all segments of the industry, delivering clear messages and enhancing understanding.
  • We provide cutting-edge education will provide all facets of the mobile electronics business the education they need, delivered through a variety of methods.

In many regards, the MEA is already working toward these goals through its current programs and initiatives. For instance, to the end that “the Mobile Electronics Association will be the first place professionals turn for industry insight and guidance,” the association currently is involved in intra-industry relations, member consulting and industry events, giving the association much more prominence.

The MEA is also in the midst of a series of industry surveys designed to help Mobile Electronics better understand the industry’s wants and needs. Mobile Electronics market research includes collecting, categorizing, analyzing and disseminating data relative to the mobile electronics industry.

MEA has also begun compiling industry forecasts to assist. Also, in shaping the association as the ultimate resource for insight and guidance, MEA is now marketing our MAID and TSS software solutions that provide information critical to the process of installation and sales of mobile electronics. These resources serve as the ultimate communications link between manufacturers and the growing number of mobile electronics retailers.

MEA desires to strengthen communication and info-sharing opportunities is aimed to ensure the mobile electronics industry will grow. Lending to the free flow of communications, MEA has partnered with Mobile Electronics magazine for the printing and distribution of the Mobile Electronics Hotwire and other communications tools include advertising in trade publications, and providing tools and information via MEA website, www.mobile-electronics.com. The ultimate assurance of “reciprocal” communications comes from networking opportunities such as our KnowledgeFest events.

Finally, with regard to MEA’s educational goal – to provide all facets of the mobile electronics business the education they need, delivered through a variety of methods – MEA is making steps toward that end as well. KnowledgeFest educational events draw mobile electronics professionals – members and non-members alike – from across the nation and beyond.

(c) 2025 - mobile electronics association | contact us: +1 (800) 949-6372